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We have Pine plywood, OSB and Particleboard in different thicknesses and with standardized dimensions.
Wood–based panel products are sheet materials that contain a significant amount of wood in the form of strips, veneers, chips, strands or fibres.
The categories described in this Wood Information Sheet (WIS) are:
• Plywoods
• Particleboards
• Oriented strand board (OSB)
• Fibre building boards.
Within each of the above categories are a number of specific panel types and grades.
We also cut to size. Consult other types of boards and sizes out of standard.
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The Clipping Crate Fresh Model, made with OSB3, is as easy to handle and use as the higher-end models. An economical alternative without sacrificing the added value provided by its innovative design.
It stands out for its value for money and good waterproofing.
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