Tag Archives: foldable box

Maritime transport: Practical guide to shipment of goods

Maritime transport is the backbone of international trade. In fact, in Spain it accounts for around 80% of imports and approximately 50% of exports.

Complying with the specifications of maritime shipments is crucial to ensure that our merchandise arrives at its destination in a timely manner. Therefore, if your company is involved in exporting or is considering doing so, it is important to understand the factors that affect ocean shipments and what types of packaging are most suitable for this type of transport.


Factors that condition maritime transport

One of the advantages of maritime transport is its versatility, since it adapts to any type of cargo. However, there are issues that must be taken into account when preparing our shipments:

Maritime transport Practical guide to shipment of goods

Type of container:

Most of the international transport of dry goods travels by container. Depending on the cargo, a type of container will be chosen and also whether it will occupy a full container (Full Container Load or FCL) or share space with goods from other exporters (Less Than Container or LCL).

Sudden abrupt movement:

Containers may experience sudden movements during handling and due to sea conditions, which may affect the stability of the cargo.


Temperature changes may occur during voyages, affecting the cargo.

Humidity and salinity:

Sea salt and humidity can cause the cargo to rust.

How to protect the goods for maritime transport?

Considering the peculiarities of maritime transport, it is time to analyze which packaging will help us to avoid damage or loss, and ensure a correct transport of the cargo from its origin to its destination.


  1. Fastening systems

For sensitive cargo, such as electronic equipment or chemical products, it is important to use securing systems to immobilize and secure the cargo inside the container.

In this regard, airbags are one of the most effective devices. These airbags are placed between the packages and prevent their movement. They are reusable and adapt to the irregularities of the cargo.

Maritime transport Practical guide to shipment of goods. Airbags
Maritime transport Practical guide to shipment of goods
Maritime transport Practical guide to shipment of goods

2. Insulating systems

For goods sensitive to humidity and salinity, such as metal parts without surface treatment or electrical equipment, insulating systems can be used to keep the atmosphere as neutral as possible during transport.

Among the isothermal insulating systems, heat-sealable bags stand out. They are a product widely used in packaging to prevent corrosion, especially in the case of metal and electronic devices. As a complement, dehydration systems such as desiccant salts are used to absorb moisture from the internal air volume. Moisture detectors will indicate whether the desiccant salts have reached their absorption capacity limit.

Maritime transport Practical guide to shipment of goods

We also manufacture customized heat sealable bags; you can see the video here:


Shrink-wrapped plastic is used for large-volume cargo or machinery. This type of plastic creates a protective film against adverse weather conditions (UV rays, rain, wind).

Maritime transport Practical guide to shipment of goods

3. Phytosanitary certification and sealing ISPM-15

In international transport, all packaging with wood as raw material must bear the corresponding marking, complying with the International Standard on Phytosanitary Measures ISPM-15. This regulation serves to prevent the spread of pests.

However, the certificate will depend on the geographical location to which the cargo is destined and whether it is required by the plant protection agency of the destination country. For example, for exports to European Union countries the standard is not mandatory, but in certain cases they may request the ISPM-15 marking.

Among wooden packaging, a very widespread solution for maritime shipments is the Clipping Crate ®. This is a reusable, economical, resistant box with an innovative design. It is equipped with a closing system using galvanized zinc clips or staples, which provide strength and flexibility. In this way, the box can be assembled and disassembled by a single person without the use of tools. A very useful system that facilitates customs inspection.

Maritime transport Practical guide to shipment of goods

If you have any questions about packaging and maritime transport of goods, do not hesitate to contact us.


Types of folding packaging III: Wooden Crates

Wooden folding collapsible crates are one of the most widely used export packaging systems since the dawn of trade. Throughout the history of packaging, man has transformed wood into barrels, crates, cradles and boxes of large tonnage in order to obtain a robust solution that would allow him to store all types of products and be able to ship them by sea, land or air.

One of the most innovative of these has been the collapsible crate made of disassembled wood. Thanks to the development of engineering, the cumbersome, heavy and difficult-to-move models with nails have gradually fallen into disuse. In their place, a much more cost-effective, sustainable and easy-to-handle protective solution for transporting goods has emerged: the collapsible crate.


Benefits of wooden collapsible crates

It should be noted that all wooden packaging traveling outside the European Union must comply with the international standard ISPM-15, which certifies that the wood is free of harmful pests and bacteria.

Companies dealing with fragile products and international shipments often turn to wooden collapsible crates for their many advantages.

Our flagship product is Clipping Crate®:

Clipping Crate®

Easy to handle

Wood is a resistant material that can withstand shocks, vibrations and temperature changes. In addition, this type of packaging is designed to be easy to handle and to speed up opening/closing at destination or in transit (customs inspection).

Types of folding packaging III Wooden Crates

Reusable, Removable and Recyclable

Collapsible wooden crates can be disassembled and stored for future use. And they are repairable. With spare parts available, any of its parts can be easily replaced. Once it has reached its useful life, it can be returned for recycling. Thus, no waste is generated.



It can be manufactured in standard and custom sizes, and can be personalized with the company’s brand or logo. This improves brand image and product identification during transport and storage.


Reduce costs

They are proven to help reduce the company’s logistics costs. Because they are stackable, they take up less warehouse space, which means fewer resources to store and transport them. This, coupled with their long shelf life, provides a quick return on investment.


Calculate here how much your company can save by using returnable packaging.

Types of folding packaging III Wooden Crates

Clipping Crate® System

As mentioned above, our reference product in manufacturing is the Clipping Crate®.

It is a reusable, economical, resistant box with an innovative design. In addition, it stands out for its closing system using galvanized zinc clips or staples, which give it flexibility. The box can be assembled and disassembled by one person in just a few minutes without the use of tools.


Contact us and start taking advantage of the benefits of folding packaging.


Types of folding packaging II: Foldable Plastic Packaging

Foldable plastic packaging helps to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the logistics process.

Foldable plastic packaging has qualities that are highly valued in today’s production lines. They are made of stable, lightweight material and are very easy to clean. They are therefore the ideal solution when extreme hygiene is required, as in the case of pharmaceuticals, agricultural products or foodstuffs.

Moreover, they do not require any treatment. They offer a barrier effect against humidity, temperature changes and microorganisms and are suitable for export.

Qualities of foldable plastic packaging

If we add to these properties their ability to fold, we obtain a product that will also help us to optimize warehouse space when not in use.

We cannot ignore the fact that Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy (LRSC) penalizes single-use plastic containers and packaging. Returnable and foldable plastic packaging solutions benefit all links in the supply network – producer, distributor and point of sale.

Foldable Plastic Packaging

Most commonly used plastic packaging

Plastic boxes

At 360 Eco Packaging we are constantly innovating. We have spent years developing solutions that meet the changing needs of the market.

In our product portfolio, we have a range of plastic foldable container boxes that are specifically developed for reuse, stacking and returnability. This type of box is as robust and stable as any other rigid box, but much more versatile, handy and lightweight.

Foldable Plastic Packaging

It is made of high-quality recycled plastic and can be recycled again. Its three parts  <base, ring and sliding lid> become a plastic container box valid for storage on shelves and / or transport of goods, being suitable for all kinds of roller and chain conveyors.

It is provided with a Velcro system that facilitates its opening and closing. It folds quickly and easily, in just 4 seconds without the use of tools.

Each box can be customized with the company’s corporate colors, bar code labels or RFID elements.


Plastic pallets

Weight is a determining factor in the logistics of any business. The plastic pallet offers optimal stacking resistance. And because of its lightness and durability, it is another foldable packaging with an excellent price/performance ratio.

Foldable Plastic Packaging

Advantages of foldable plastic pallets

  • They are lightweight.
  • They are reusable.
  • They have nestable skids.
  • Easy to clean.

Check our foldable packaging solutions, and if you have any questions, please contact our team.

We will find the most suitable packaging for your logistic process.


Types of folding packaging I: Cardboard Folding Packages

Supply chain security, inflation and sustainability are some of the major challenges that companies face. Among other things, we will discuss the advantages of folding carton packaging.

In the packaging industry, we find ourselves in a market where the demand for sustainable products is growing, the trend is to reduce single-use packaging and to optimize transport and storage costs.

Folding packaging meets all these requirements perfectly. With this post, we begin a series of articles to explain which ones are going to be the most frequently used and what benefits they bring to companies.

Advantages of Foldable Packaging

Quality folding packaging meets all the conditions for use in logistical operations with full guarantees. Their efficiency is proven every day in the storage and transport of goods in any industry.

In addition to strength and safety, they provide a series of advantages that have a direct impact on logistics cost savings:

  • Greater space utilization. When not in use, folding packaging takes up less space in the warehouse, which allows for better management.
  • Ease of handling. It is ergonomic and facilitates assembly/disassembly, with little need for tools. This cuts work times and minimizes possible damage caused by handling.

In addition, they can be made of cardboard, metal or plastic. In this post we will focus on cardboard folding packaging.

Types of folding packaging I_Cardboard Folding Packages

Cardboard Folding Packaging

By its nature, cardboard packaging is considered one of the most efficient on the market. Its popularity is increasing, due to the rise of ecommerce and the ongoing debate on sustainability and ecopackaging.

Cardboard is a natural, resistant and recyclable material, whose versatility makes it the best alternative for creating sustainable and original packaging solutions. Most are also reusable, so they can be used efficiently until the end of their useful life.

Types of folding packaging I_ Cardboard Folding Packages

Cardboard boxes and pallet boxes

In industrial packaging we use corrugated cardboard, which, unlike other types of cardboard, is the strongest and most durable. Corrugated cardboard boxes in standard sizes or large-volume cardboard boxes can be used for packing and palletizing light and heavy goods, either alone or in combination with protective and cushioning solutions.

When the type of load requires a folding solution of greater resistance, we can opt for the pallet-box, a mixed packaging. In the pallet-box, the cardboard box is reinforced at the base and sides with wooden slats to facilitate storage and picking.

Types of folding packaging I_Cardboard Folding Packages

In 360 Eco Packaging we develop efficient packaging solutions that provide savings along the entire supply chain. Contact us.


Oversized Packaging

Any goods can be moved from one side of the world to the other by sea, air or road. However, there are loads that, due to their volume or dimensions, require special packaging and modes of transport to be able to do so.

In this post we will talk about packaging for large loads, or also known as packaging for large dimensions or packaging for oversized cargo.


What is oversized cargo?

We refer to oversized cargo when, due to its size or tonnage, it cannot be transported in a conventional way, being necessary to resort to specially designed and manufactured solutions to be able to handle it safely.

For example, industrial machinery such as large engines, construction materials such as beams or pipes, as well as all types of packaging for aeronautical, automotive or renewable energy parts such as wind blades or solar panels.

Today, most of the companies in the industrial sector that operate at an international level need a goods protection service for large parts or loads.

Oversized Packaging

Packaging for oversized cargoes – Main considerations

In most cases, it must be approved for export, which means that it has to comply with ISPM-15 certification to avoid any problems at customs.

In addition, it must be reinforced to efficiently support the weight, and if we are talking about bulky goods, it may require a special platform to facilitate its movement.

Oversized Packaging

Phases when designing an oversized package

The first step is to conduct a preliminary study on the needs of the cargo: weight, size or other requirements. From production to delivery, each step is carefully planned and comprehensively oriented.

Our technical department develops the best type of protection taking into account factors such as packaging efficiency, use of sustainable materials and space optimization during transport, all from the best technical and economical point of view.

Mechanical considerations

At 360 Eco Packaging we are manufacturers, which allows us to offer ad-hoc packaging according to the needs of our customers.

The designs not only take into account the shape and size of the cargo, but also the use of products approved for storage and lashing in sea containers and trailers.

These are packaging aids, such as heat-sealable plastic and shrink-wrapped plastic, which act as reinforcement against external agents to protect items susceptible to damage by external agents, as well as retention systems to stabilize it, even if it has suffered some kind of impact during the logistics process.

Oversized Packaging

Economic Considerations

We also pay attention to the economic factor. We know that an excess of material and accessories could increase the cost associated with the process. Therefore, the custom design must be economically viable for the customer without compromising cargo safety.


Production and delivery

If necessary, we can carry out packaging of the goods at the customer’s facilities.

Please contact us without any commitment.


What is Just in Time logistics?

The world is constantly evolving. The changes that are taking place have an impact on supply chains. Industrial packaging manufacturers have to respond to the challenges posed by different logistical operations, however complex they may be, in times of greater or lesser uncertainty.

One of them is Just In Time manufacturing, which orients production to demand.

What is the Just in Time method?

The Just in Time production method is based on real orders. It consists of producing the exact amount of what is required, in the right place at the right time, without wasting system resources.

Just in Time logistics

Its origin comes from Japan. In the mid-twentieth century, large Japanese companies were looking for more efficient production systems, which in turn would allow them to reduce factory inventory. Toyota was the first company to apply the Just in Time method, under the name of Toyota Production System, in automobile manufacturing plants, with the aim of eliminating from the production process those elements that did not provide real value.

Since then, automotive companies, technology companies, fast food chains around the world and today, e-commerce companies use this model to make their processes more efficient, optimize costs and respond better and faster to customers.

Just in Time logistics

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Just in Time method in logistics?

  • Zero defects: an error can cause delays and increase stocks.
  • Zero breakdowns: this implies scheduled maintenance of work tools.
  • Zero stocks: this generates storage and space costs.
  • Zero lead times: reducing production cycles reduces waiting times, equipment preparation and transit times.
  • Zero paperwork: reducing bureaucracy to a minimum.

Applying this method provides better management, greater flexibility and savings, but requires millimetric coordination in all the links that make up the supply chain.

Just in Time logistics

Advantages of JIT

  • Reduces inventory levels and costs associated with purchasing and warehousing, since only what is in demand is manufactured.
  • Minimizes losses, obsolete products, expired products or products that lose value when stored, by having a minimum stock.
  • Reduces time and unnecessary trips to locate the merchandise.
  • It favors a closer relationship with suppliers.


Disadvantages of JIT

  • Possible delays and lack of supplies.
  • Less access to special prices for small-scale purchases.
  • Increased costs when changing suppliers.
  • Scarce capacity to react to demand peaks.
Just in Time logistics

Packaging for Just in Time logistics

As with all other supplies, packaging in JIT operations must be available when it is needed. Companies specializing in this type of packaging must be able to offer packaging solutions that help simplify operations and speed up delivery times, that are easy to handle and help reduce storage costs.

This logistics requires ergonomic packaging, which allows assembly/disassembly in a very simple and safe way, folding solutions, which facilitate internal movements and save space, as well as customized packaging, which optimizes the logistics process to the maximum.


Contact us. At 360 Eco Packaging we can help you find the best packaging or storage solution for your Just in Time operations.


Packing for moving

Nobody is aware of what they have until they have to move, that is why in this post we will talk about packing for moving. Moving our belongings from one place to another requires good planning, starting with choosing the optimal packaging so that the move is resolved quickly and smoothly.

Like any other type of shipment, each move will require different packaging, depending on the contents to be transported and the mode of transport.

Packing for moving

What is the most suitable packing for a move?

The packaging systems for the moving or furniture storage sector share the following characteristics:

Packing for moving

Types of packaging for moving

No two moves are the same. Moving a house is not the same as moving an office where electronic equipment and components are moved, much less a transoceanic move in a container.

Depending on the volume of material to be transported, wooden, cardboard or cardboard combined with wood packaging solutions can be used.

The most common are:

Cardboard boxes

Cardboard boxes are the most common type of packaging used in removals. As is logical, boxes of different sizes are used, depending on the needs. From a weight of 8 kilos upwards, it is advisable to use two-channel cardboard boxes, which offer greater resistance and protection.

Large-volume cardboard boxes, available with flaps or lids, are used to move large furniture and belongings.

Packing for moving

Folding wooden boxes

Plywood transport crates with lids are the most commonly used for transoceanic moves. This type of box is made of ISPM15 certified wood, so it is suitable for international shipments.

It is a reusable, stackable and collapsible box. It consists of a lid, a base with support and a very consistent central body. The anchorage of the pieces is by means of metallic tabs, which gives it great resistance.

Packing for moving

Fillings to protect the inside of the boxes

Just as important as choosing the most suitable box for a move is to have protection and padding aids to protect the contents inside.

Packing padding products immobilize objects to prevent them from suffering any impact during transportation and protect them from humidity or vibrations so that they arrive at their destination in perfect condition.

An economical solution to protect ceramic pieces, glassware or fragile products, as well as to fill the gaps left in boxes, is cardboard netting.

Cardboard corner protectors and foam profiles are essential to protect the edges on the inside and outside of the boxes.

In international moves, and especially in sea transport, inflatable bags or airbags are used as a complementary system in cargo lashing to fill the gaps in containers and prevent them from moving.

Packing for moving

At 360 Eco Packaging we can’t move your things, but we can provide you with the necessary packing material to make your move as safe as possible. Contact us.

Packing for moving


7 milestones in the history of packaging

Since ancient times man has had the need to protect his belongings, hence the following post on the history of packaging and its evolution.

Over the years the evolution of the history of packaging has been parallel to the economic and social development of the time. As manufacturers of industrial packaging, these are for us the 7 most important milestones in the history of packaging.

1. From clay to wood for transporting wine

In ancient Rome, large clay containers were already used to store and transport wine. The clay amphorae and jars were airtight and protected the wine from oxidation. Upon conquering French lands, the Roman Empire discovered the wooden barrel; an easy-to-handle container, lighter and more consistent than clay for transporting wine from Greece, Gaul and Hispania.

This was the way it was done for centuries until glass arrived. In the 17th century the use of the bottle became widespread. However, wood continued to be a highly valued packaging in the logistics of the wine sector.

7 milestones in the history of packaging

 2. The emergence of corrugated cardboard

The Chinese are considered to be the first to use corrugated cardboard in the 16th century. However, it was the pleats of Victorian fashion in the mid-19th century that led to the development of corrugated cardboard.

In 1856 Healy and Allen patented in England the use of pleated paper as an inner reinforcement for stiff top hats. Years later, the American pharmacist A. Jones came up with the idea of wrapping fries in corrugated cardboard. Jones came up with the idea of wrapping perfume bottles in corrugated paper to protect them from knocks.

In 1874, Oliver Long improved Jones’ patent by adhering the corrugated paper to a flat sheet of paper and then to two flat sheets of paper. Liners were born, the structure of corrugated cardboard that provides the compression and strength of the cardboard boxes we use today.

In 1890 Robert Gair invented the corrugated box and the American Thompson and Norris Co. began manufacturing the first boxes.

Today the cardboard box is the preferred packaging for ecommerce due to its lightness, strength and low cost.

Corrugated cardboard

3. The arrival of the europallet

It was not until World War II that the use of pallets became popular for moving military equipment. Until then, wooden crates, skids or barrels were used to move the goods.

At the end of the war, the first American pallet patents were registered. However, train wagons in Europe had dimensions in which they did not fit well, so it was necessary to reduce them and regulate their manufacture so that they all had the same dimensions and could make better use of space. In the 60’s the Euro pallet was born.

Since 1991 the European Pallet Association (EPAL) issues licenses to manufacturers and under the EPAL seal certifies the quality of the pallet and identifies reliable suppliers.

European Pallets EPAL

4. The collapsible wooden box, a step towards packaging engineering

During World War II, the Allied side had to make a great logistical effort to get weapons, equipment and medical supplies by ship and plane to the places in conflict. One of the biggest challenges was shipping war vehicles.

The Jeep automobile company had designed the “Willys,” an agile and rugged all-terrain vehicle, the forerunner of the 4×4 we know today. For domestic shipments, vehicles were stacked on top of each other on pallets. But shipping them across the ocean required special packaging. And an innovative solution was found: the disassemblable wooden crate.

The “Willys” was stored in pieces and once at destination the crate was disassembled, allowing access to the vehicle and assembly in a matter of minutes.

Today, packaging engineering continues to successfully meet the challenges of the automotive sector.

7 milestones in the history of packaging
7 milestones in the history of packaging

5. The expansion of plastic

The origin of plastic is related to the game of billiards. An American company decided to award 10,000 dollars to whoever could create a material to replace ivory, which was scarce at the time, to manufacture billiard balls. In 1870, the Hyatt brothers chemically modified cellulose to produce celluloid, winning the contest and obtaining the first plastic in history.

In 1907, Baekeland invented Bakelite, the first fully synthetic commercial plastic, described as thermosetting, insulating and resistant to water, acids and moderate heat. In the following decades, new plastics derived from the processing of fossil fuels, such as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride (PVC), were investigated.

At present, the applications of plastic are infinite, and it is a very common material in the manufacture of returnable containers and packaging for industrial use.

Plastic collapsible crate

6. The box that revolutionized the transport of goods: the sea container.

Since they made the first transatlantic crossing in the mid-twentieth century, sea containers have revolutionized the transport of goods. Before their appearance, ships were loaded manually, which meant long waits in port.

The businessman Malcolm McClean came up with a system whereby cargo could be stacked inside a large metal box and transported by ship or truck. Thus was born the container, which made its first trip in 1956, from New Jersey to Houston.

A decade after its first trip, the ISO (International Standard Organization) developed standards for its international use. Containerization led to a reduction in the cost and time of freight transport, giving way to intermodality.

7 milestones in the history of packaging

7. Ecopackaging and sustainable packaging

In the mid-twentieth century the packaging industry began its development and today continues to evolve.

With self-service, marketing, the computer and the internet, packaging began to spread, becoming a competitive advantage for companies and a lure for the consumer.


Foldable wooden crate

Today, the Circular Economy model and the preferences of an increasingly eco-conscious consumer force the industry to look for sustainable packaging solutions, designed from the source to reduce the use of resources and revalue their waste, without forgetting their original purpose: to protect the goods.


Cardboard, a strategic packaging for the Circular Economy

In a Circular Economy model where waste becomes a resource, the paper and board industry has a key role to play.


We know that the future of packaging involves incorporating sustainable materials, reducing the ecological footprint associated with its production and use, and that its waste can be revalued, without neglecting the purpose for which it is designed: to protect the product. In this future, cartonboard packaging will be a priority.


Cardboard as a sustainable packaging material


Cardboard is a natural, renewable, recyclable and biodegradable material. In recent years, it has been replacing other traditional packaging materials such as plastic.

Cardboard, a strategic packaging for the Circular Economy

Paper and cardboard fibers are also much stronger than previously thought. It has been shown that fiber-based packaging material – paper, cardboard, paperboard and folding cartons – can be recycled more than 25 times, retaining their mechanical properties for re-integration into the production process.

This makes it one of the most sustainable materials in the packaging sector and one of the preferred packaging solutions for the consumer.

Cardboard, a strategic packaging for the Circular Economy

Why is cardboard packaging preferred by consumers?


The way companies package their products is a matter of concern for consumers, influencing their purchasing decisions.

The European Association of Carton and Cartonboard Manufacturers reveals that 4 out of 5 consumers prefer cartons to plastic. In its report, it says that more than half of the consumers surveyed in Spain claim to have switched brands because the packaging was not recyclable or because they used unnecessary packaging. It adds that 82 percent would be willing to pay more for environmentally friendly packaging.

Cardboard, a strategic packaging for the Circular Economy

Most commonly used carton packaging

For companies interested in incorporating circularity into their packaging, cardboard packaging represents a zero-waste system of significant social, economic and environmental value.

Because of its versatility, it can be used throughout the packaging chain:

  1. Primary packaging, which is directly in contact with the product.

  2. Packaging for Ecommerce.

  3. Cargo units for storage and transport of consumer goods.

  4. Protective elements, such as interior fillers to pack merchandise shipments, or corners to avoid friction during transport.

The most commonly used cartons are:

Corrugated cardboard boxes

Can be used in standard size or large volume for packing and palletizing light and heavy goods. They are foldable, which facilitates storage, reducing space.


Pallet boxes

They are corrugated cardboard boxes placed on a wooden pallet or cardboard. Its use as commercial exhibitors has been extended by its profitability, since they serve both as product container shelf and advertising support, because the cardboard can be easily printed and incorporate gaps or shelves to place the product.


The cardboard pallet

Consists of corrugated cardboard sheets and solid cardboard blocks that are inserted as pillars. Resistant and lighter than the wooden pallet, it is also valid for international transport, without having to undergo phytosanitary treatment.


The road map to a Circular Economy is written on cardboard.


Contact us if you are interested in adding reusable packaging to your logistics.


Clipping Crate (Export & Availability)

Our flagship product, Clipping Crate. A reusable, economical, easy, waterproof box with an innovative design: the packaging of the present and the future.

Whenever you want to review our wide range of products do not hesitate to enter our company’s website.

Now we continue explaining different features of our Clipping Crate.


Can I export with Clipping Crate?


All our wood has been subjected to heat treatment, having reached 56º Celsius in the center for at least 30 minutes, so we comply with the international standard ISPM-15 which certifies that the wood is free of pests and harmful bacteria. This is an essential requirement for all wooden packaging traveling outside the European Union.


What if the crate is damaged?


Thanks to its design, the Clipping Crate has its own system that allows damaged parts to be replaced, whether they are sides, lids or bases, so that the damaged part only needs to be replaced by another with identical characteristics without the need to buy a new box.

Clipping Crate (Export & Availability)

How and when can I get my Clipping Crate?

Thanks to a simple storage system designed for the Clipping Crate, the customer can have all the standard components he wants with a delivery time of 24 to 48 hours in Spain, transport costs included, which avoids stressful situations that many companies suffer given the unforeseen events that can always arise at the last minute.

Clipping Crate (Export & Availability)

This storage system allows us to see the available stock of each reference at all times, being able to store up to 400 boxes, in such a way that, as shown in the image, the large boxes containing boards have small glazed windows in which up to 10 boards can be observed horizontally, facilitating the stock count. On its base, each box has a reference to indicate whether it is a side, top or base, followed by a number that identifies the length by width of the board.

Taking into account that many of the references of sides, tops and bases can be combined with each other, with only 15 references of sides, 17 of tops and bases, up to 34 different boxes can be created, all standardized and made available to the customer immediately.


Why Clipping Crate?


As if all the above were not enough, Clipping Crate also offers you the possibility of taking care of your product’s image in two ways:


  • Its careful design makes it an extension of your brand, taking care of the details and providing a modern, simple and not at all clumsy packaging, unlike other conventional wooden packaging. Useful both for transporting a load and for interior design or commercial stands, thanks to its accessories (handles, closures, wheels or upholstery).
Trade fair_Clipping Crate (Export & Availability)
  • We also have laser marking for printing your own logo or company slogan on the panels, so you can further customize your Clipping Crate to suit your business needs.


With Clipping Crate all are advantages: the best price, the best quality, the most careful design and the greatest possible reuse linked to the lowest cost and care for our environment.
