Tag Archives: logistic

Types of folding packaging III: Wooden Crates

Wooden folding collapsible crates are one of the most widely used export packaging systems since the dawn of trade. Throughout the history of packaging, man has transformed wood into barrels, crates, cradles and boxes of large tonnage in order to obtain a robust solution that would allow him to store all types of products and be able to ship them by sea, land or air.

One of the most innovative of these has been the collapsible crate made of disassembled wood. Thanks to the development of engineering, the cumbersome, heavy and difficult-to-move models with nails have gradually fallen into disuse. In their place, a much more cost-effective, sustainable and easy-to-handle protective solution for transporting goods has emerged: the collapsible crate.


Benefits of wooden collapsible crates

It should be noted that all wooden packaging traveling outside the European Union must comply with the international standard ISPM-15, which certifies that the wood is free of harmful pests and bacteria.

Companies dealing with fragile products and international shipments often turn to wooden collapsible crates for their many advantages.

Our flagship product is Clipping Crate®:

Clipping Crate®

Easy to handle

Wood is a resistant material that can withstand shocks, vibrations and temperature changes. In addition, this type of packaging is designed to be easy to handle and to speed up opening/closing at destination or in transit (customs inspection).

Types of folding packaging III Wooden Crates

Reusable, Removable and Recyclable

Collapsible wooden crates can be disassembled and stored for future use. And they are repairable. With spare parts available, any of its parts can be easily replaced. Once it has reached its useful life, it can be returned for recycling. Thus, no waste is generated.



It can be manufactured in standard and custom sizes, and can be personalized with the company’s brand or logo. This improves brand image and product identification during transport and storage.


Reduce costs

They are proven to help reduce the company’s logistics costs. Because they are stackable, they take up less warehouse space, which means fewer resources to store and transport them. This, coupled with their long shelf life, provides a quick return on investment.


Calculate here how much your company can save by using returnable packaging.

Types of folding packaging III Wooden Crates

Clipping Crate® System

As mentioned above, our reference product in manufacturing is the Clipping Crate®.

It is a reusable, economical, resistant box with an innovative design. In addition, it stands out for its closing system using galvanized zinc clips or staples, which give it flexibility. The box can be assembled and disassembled by one person in just a few minutes without the use of tools.


Contact us and start taking advantage of the benefits of folding packaging.


Types of folding packaging II: Foldable Plastic Packaging

Foldable plastic packaging helps to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the logistics process.

Foldable plastic packaging has qualities that are highly valued in today’s production lines. They are made of stable, lightweight material and are very easy to clean. They are therefore the ideal solution when extreme hygiene is required, as in the case of pharmaceuticals, agricultural products or foodstuffs.

Moreover, they do not require any treatment. They offer a barrier effect against humidity, temperature changes and microorganisms and are suitable for export.

Qualities of foldable plastic packaging

If we add to these properties their ability to fold, we obtain a product that will also help us to optimize warehouse space when not in use.

We cannot ignore the fact that Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy (LRSC) penalizes single-use plastic containers and packaging. Returnable and foldable plastic packaging solutions benefit all links in the supply network – producer, distributor and point of sale.

Foldable Plastic Packaging

Most commonly used plastic packaging

Plastic boxes

At 360 Eco Packaging we are constantly innovating. We have spent years developing solutions that meet the changing needs of the market.

In our product portfolio, we have a range of plastic foldable container boxes that are specifically developed for reuse, stacking and returnability. This type of box is as robust and stable as any other rigid box, but much more versatile, handy and lightweight.

Foldable Plastic Packaging

It is made of high-quality recycled plastic and can be recycled again. Its three parts  <base, ring and sliding lid> become a plastic container box valid for storage on shelves and / or transport of goods, being suitable for all kinds of roller and chain conveyors.

It is provided with a Velcro system that facilitates its opening and closing. It folds quickly and easily, in just 4 seconds without the use of tools.

Each box can be customized with the company’s corporate colors, bar code labels or RFID elements.


Plastic pallets

Weight is a determining factor in the logistics of any business. The plastic pallet offers optimal stacking resistance. And because of its lightness and durability, it is another foldable packaging with an excellent price/performance ratio.

Foldable Plastic Packaging

Advantages of foldable plastic pallets

  • They are lightweight.
  • They are reusable.
  • They have nestable skids.
  • Easy to clean.

Check our foldable packaging solutions, and if you have any questions, please contact our team.

We will find the most suitable packaging for your logistic process.


Main packaging certifications

Certifications are key indicators in any activity. Through these accreditations, packaging manufacturers can demonstrate that their products or services comply with the regulations required by transport agreements, and at the same time meet high standards of safety, quality or environmental responsibility. They are, therefore, a guarantee of how we do things.

ISO 9001 certification is one of the most widely implemented standards among companies. In our case, this seal accredits the quality of our processes for the design and manufacture of industrial packaging.

In the packaging field there are other valuable rules and certifications that we highlight below:

Phytosanitary-certified wood packaging material

The International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures ISPM-15 was created by FAO to regulate wood packaging in international trade in order to reduce the risk of introduction and spread of pests.

The ISPM 15 seal is based on a heat treatment that consists of the wood reaching 56 ºC in its core for at least 30 continuous minutes.

       Once the wood has been treated, the mark must be visible on at least two opposite sides of the wood.

The ISPM-15 standard affects packaging made wholly or partially from raw wood, such as pallets, crates, crates, crates, crates, dunnage, pallets, cable drums and reels. Plywood is excluded.

To obtain the ISPM-15 label, it is necessary to be registered in the national system and to pass the required annual audits, through the control of the traceability of the manufactured elements.

The issuance of a certificate will only be necessary if required by the phytosanitary protection agencies of the destination countries.


Certified Dangerous Goods Packaging

Dangerous goods are considered to be solid, liquid or powdered products that represent a risk to the safety and health of people or the environment.

The transport of dangerous goods requires specific approved packaging, with its corresponding certificate in accordance with the regulations of each mode of transport. The regulation par excellence in the transport of dangerous goods by road is the ADR (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road).

Compliance is also mandatory:

  • Rail RID (Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail).
  • Air transport IATA (International Air Transport Association).
  • Maritime transport IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code).

The UN has established a universal system of classification, packaging, marking and labeling of the different dangerous goods valid for all modes of transport.

Dangerous goods packaging can be made of plastic, cardboard or metal, but must always be properly labeled. In addition to the labeling required for each type of goods, according to its classification in the ADR, each package must show a UN number, among other data such as the manufacturer’s code, type of box, password, country and year of manufacture.

The ADR defines packing instructions for each UN number, according to which the physical-chemical specifications that the packaging must meet for a given good will be detailed.

Packaging with PEFC / FSC® certification

Nowadays, it is impossible to talk about quality without taking environmental criteria into account. PEFC and FSC® chain-of-custody certification guarantees good practices along the entire wood value chain.

PEFC-certified pallets, wooden crates and cardboard boxes use raw material from sustainable logging, recycled material or both. Choosing PEFC / FSC® certified packaging means promoting a responsible supply chain, contributing to sustainable forest management and the well-being of forest communities.


These seals are also a competitive advantage in markets that require the supply of environmentally responsible materials.

Use certified packaging suppliers that add value to your logistics.


How Just in Case logistics Works

Just in Case logistics (JIC) is an inventory management methodology that consists of having enough product in stock at all times.

Compared to Just-In-Time logistics, where products are manufactured and stored on demand, Just-In-Case logistics is based on having more inventory than necessary. In this way, the company ensures that products are always available to be able to cope with increased demand or any type of eventuality.

This “just in case” management will imply, among other things, a greater investment in warehousing.

In which sectors and companies is Just in case logistics used?

The Just in case methodology is usually used in sectors with volatile demand, and in particular, in those that manufacture products with a long shelf life. For example, pharmaceuticals, where it is important to have availability of medicines and where stock-outs can have serious consequences.

In recent years, however, due to pandemics, war and the materials crisis that have strained supply chains, companies have turned to this strategy in order to maintain supply in all sectors.

How Just in Case logistics Works

What are the advantages of just-in-case logistics for companies?

From an inventory management point of view, one of the main advantages of just-in-case logistics is that it allows for greater flexibility. That is, by having a larger volume of products than necessary, companies can respond quickly to changes in demand without fear of running out of stock.

On the other hand, although it may seem that companies incur higher costs with this type of stockpiling, the truth is that this method can generate considerable savings in the long term. 

First, by buying in larger volumes, they benefit from better prices. In addition, they have sufficient stock to ensure sales and respond to customers more efficiently than their competitors.

How Just in Case logistics Works

Just in case logistics packaging

More stock, more storage. For this reason, the unitization of cargo is one of the pillars of just-in-case logistics. Through palletizing, we manage to group and arrange the goods in the warehouse in higher loading units. In this way, we make maximum use of space.

How Just in Case logistics Works

In addition, since the products are palletized and sorted, they are kept in perfect condition while they remain in the warehouse for a long time, they can be located more quickly and the loading and unloading task is more agile.

Finally, the EPAL Euro pallet is a key element in this process. Thanks to its standard dimensions of 800 mm x 1,200 mm, the EPAL europallet can be adapted both to the dimensions of transport logistics (trucks and railroad wagons) and to those required in intralogistics (lifting, transfer on conveyor belts, handling of cardboard and wood packaging, etc.).

In short, packaging must meet the requirements of today’s supply chains. At 360 Eco Packaging we can help you find the best storage solution for your just-in-case operations.

How Just in Case logistics Works


Types of warehouses and their characteristics

One of the objectives of logistics is the optimal use of the warehouse as well as the incoming and outgoing goods operations carried out in it.

There are many types of warehouses. Each has its own logistics requirements. The product they house, the location, functionality or handling technology are some of the criteria by which we can classify the different types of warehouses.

In a company there can be one or several types: raw materials, central, spare parts, etc. In this post we will focus on the most common types of warehouses, according to their location and logistic activity.

Warehouses by logistics activity

Production warehouse

This is the warehouse where the raw materials, parts or components required in the manufacturing processes are stored. The function of the production warehouse is to ensure that the manufacturing lines run without interruption, with no shortage of supplies. For this reason, many logistics supply centers are located close to factories.

Types of warehouses and their characteristics

Central warehouse

This is where finished products from one or more industrial processes are stored. It is usually located near the manufacturing site.

The central warehouse also acts as a distribution center, supplying other regional or local warehouses that carry out the final distribution to the consumer or point of sale. From the central warehouse, the product is conditioned for the next step in the distribution chain.

Types of warehouses and their characteristics

Distribution warehouse

The distribution or supply warehouse is responsible for receiving the goods from the production center and then sending them to the end customer. It usually covers a specific geographical area and is located close to the point of consumption.

Its purpose is to guarantee supply and meet product delivery times. It is a warehouse with a high turnover of goods.

Types of warehouses and their characteristics

Transit Warehouse

Occasionally, an interim storage point is required between the central and regional warehouse. The transit warehouse functions as an interim warehouse for goods, since its purpose is to expedite deliveries or to facilitate the grouping of goods to be shipped to the same destination.

Here the stock is not stored; the flow of receipts and dispatches is continuous. This type of warehouse is often used for e-commerce logistics.

Types of warehouses and their characteristics

Temporary warehouse

Used to store stock of products for seasonal consumption, in order to meet peaks in demand.


Other types of warehouses

We have reviewed the most common warehouses, but we can find other classifications of warehouse, according to:

  • The building:

Open-air or outdoor warehouse and covered or indoor warehouse.

  • The type of product:

Raw materials warehouse, semi-finished products and finished products warehouse, spare parts and/or accessories warehouse, and containers and packaging warehouse, where the packaging of the final products is kept.

  • Level of mechanization:

Conventional warehouses, with a low level of automation or the so-called intelligent warehouses, with a high degree of automation.

Types of warehouses and their characteristics

What type of warehouse does your company use?


What types of packaging does the food industry use?

From the time they leave the factory until they reach the consumer, products in the food industry use different types of packaging. All of them are an essential part in the process of transporting, distributing and selling the product to ensure its safety and quality.


We can classify three types of packaging:

Primary Packaging

It is the one that is in direct contact with the product. Its main function is to protect it from external agents and keep its properties intact. But it is not the only one. In the food sector, the primary packaging is the first thing the consumer will see on the supermarket shelves.

It must therefore be presented in such a way that it stands out from its competitors and is attractive for purchase. In addition, the primary packaging should provide all the information that the product should include as a matter of course.

Today, there are many examples of product packaging that combine functionality, design and sustainability.

Packaging in food industry

Secondary Packaging

It is the one that contains several primary packages, grouping the product to transport several units of the same product or to facilitate the consumer the purchase of several units at the same time.

Packaging in food industry

Tertiary packaging

Tertiary packaging, or packaging proper, is the one that encompasses the two previous ones, protecting both primary and secondary packaging during transportation and storage. For this reason, it is often said that packaging is “the packaging of packaging”. An example of tertiary packaging would be a pallet with 10 cartons containing bottles of wine.

Tertiary packaging includes wooden, cardboard and plastic pallets, as well as large-volume cardboard boxes with or without lids, or corrugated cardboard boxes on wooden or cardboard pallets.

Packaging in food industry

Protective elements in food containers

There are also elements that stabilize the packaged products, facilitating their movement without risk of loss or breakage.


In primary and secondary packaging, adhesive tapes, glues or seals are usually used to ensure their closure. Stretch film is the most widespread option for grouping smaller packaging units.

Packaging in food industry
Packaging in food industry

As a summary of this post, the following is an image of a product that does not belong to the food industry, but as in most products, it is also used with the three types of packaging that we have seen above.

Packaging in food industry


What will be new in Packaging in 2023?


The way companies distribute their products is constantly evolving. Aspects as diverse as legislation, profitability, innovation and consumer preferences condition the changes to which logistics processes are subjected in order to meet quality, safety and efficiency requirements.


As far as packaging design is concerned, everything indicates that packaging in the year 2023 will continue to follow the path of sustainability it has taken in recent years, albeit under the imperative of regulations that will entail new fiscal obligations.


As manufacturers of packaging solutions, we review the main innovations that 2023 will bring to the packaging sector.


Plastic tax

The Law on Waste and Contaminated Soils for a Circular Economy, which was passed last year, aims to improve the management of waste generated in Spain. Among other measures, it has established a “green tax” on plastic, in force since January 1.


According to this, all non-reusable primary, secondary or tertiary packaging containing plastic will be subject to a charge of €0.45/kg. This amount may be reduced if part of the product comes from recycled material.



Spanish companies have been working for years to incorporate sustainability into their production processes in order to reduce their environmental footprint.


In fact, last year more than 2,000 Spanish companies implemented 4,632 sustainable design measures to reduce the environmental impact of their packaging.


Achieving the EU’s reduction, reuse and recyclability objectives means knowing the principles of ecopackaging and knowing how to apply them to the design and development of sustainable packaging.


The trend will continue to be to opt for packaging that, with the minimum amount of material possible, guarantees product protection throughout the distribution chain, reducing environmental impact and the economic cost associated with transportation, while meeting consumer expectations.


Growth of online commerce

Online commerce will continue to grow, which will have an impact on packaging and logistics. Demand for packaging solutions such as corrugated boxes and products for protecting and cushioning goods will increase, and new specialty packaging and customized shipping options will emerge.


Smart packaging

The use of technology applied to the field of packaging is driving a new generation of packaging. We are talking about smart packaging, which is increasingly being applied in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.


Packaging that will change color if the product is about to expire, or that emits particles for preservation, will see the light of day throughout the year.

It is becoming increasingly common to integrate smart labels, RFID, QR codes and NFC chips into packaging. These devices provide more and better information on product quality, storage conditions and traceability.


Automation with “Pick and Place” robots will also be extended to more industries in order to bring more efficiency and flexibility to packaging processes.


What do you think of these changes, and would you add any more to the list?


Pallets, Regulatory Requirements

We begin today’s post with one of the most used elements in the packaging sector: the pallet. In this post we are going to detail the different regulatory requirements depending on the packaging needs that we can find.


In the logistics – transport – packaging sector it is common to request “certified pallets”, what does this certificate refer to?

Well, this certificate usually refers to the phytosanitary certificate unless otherwise specified, this certificate as we have seen in previous posts is required in the field of international transport and must incorporate a marking on the pallet itself. This marking certifies that this pallet has received the required treatment and is suitable to be imported by a third country according to the international treaty ISPM Nº15.


An example of this marking is shown below.


As we have seen, this widely used packaging system is regulated by different regulations, we must identify which one is required and then select the right pallet for our needs.


Maritime packaging and its characteristics

After more than 80 years of experience in the sector, we have assisted our clients in the great controversy and confusion generated by this term.

So, maritime packaging and its characteristics is the main topic of today’s post. What essential elements are need to be used to comply with the regulations

Maritime packaging


To talk about maritime packaging we must take into account two parameters: oxidation-corrosion and the geographical situation.


If the material of the load to be transported is sensitive to corrosion and oxidation, such as metal parts without surface treatment or electronic equipment (among the most common), we have to pay attention to the type of packaging that we will use to prevent the deterioration of the merchandise.

Discover our anti-corrosion products here.

The high concentration of water, steam and saline compounds make it necessary to design a protection system  that maintains a neutral atmosphere and isolates the burden of these external factors.

Among the elements that we can use for this purpose, we can highlight the insulating systems such as aluminum bags, shrink wrapping or VCI and environmental dehydration systems such as moisture absorbing salts.

It is essential to select the best insulating system, which will depend on the load we transport. They can be combined with those of environmental dehydration, always having to assess in the latter what will be the correct material and quantity for the complete elimination of excess water vapor inside the packaging, since not all dehydrating salts have the same percentage absorption.

In addition, there are different ways to measure this ratio depending on the area in which we are. Here are some examples of the most standardized measures with their respective equivalences.



Due to the international nature of transport and provided that the packaging has wood as a raw material, it is necessary to comply with the International Standard on Phytosanitary Measures ISPM 15, only to export to countries outside the European Union. For this it is necessary that all packaging bears its corresponding marking and certificate (the latter when required by the phytosanitary protection agencies of the countries of destination. The standard does not make it mandatory, but in some cases they request it due to ignorance).

ISPM 15 processed wood requirements
ISPM15 processed wood


Therefore, in most cases the wooden packaging must be marked with the ISPM15 of the supplier, but this is not always the case. For example, if we take a cargo to Denmark by ship, we will need anti-oxidation protection for the merchandise, but we will not need the ISPM15 marking as it is an EU member country. On the contrary, if we export to Russia and do it by road, we will need another type of cargo protection that does not necessarily have to be anti-oxidation, although we must comply with the international standard ISPM 15.
