After the entry into vigour of this new regulation, packaging must be certified with this seal. This is how it will be from now on.

In the international geopolitical environment there has been a schism that has agitated the current context, Brexit.

This change in the relationship between the European Union and Great Britain still to be defined may also affect the current status of imports – exports between the two parties.

Brexit and ISPM 15

In addition to other important changes in the application of new fees or tariffs, Brexit and ISPM 15 are two concepts that will now go hand in hand for the transit of timber between territories.

Once the packaging has been treated, it must bear the mark indicating that it has undergone the corresponding treatment.

ISPM15 processed wood

There are currently processed wood materials (plywood board, OSB board, chipboard,…) that are exempt from compliance with these guidelines. You can read it here.

The use of these materials for the construction of packaging can save customs procedures and unexpected delays. As an example of one of them is the Clipping Crate Free Docs model manufactured entirely with processed wood.

In the absence of a definitive agreement for this departure from Great Britain from the European club, it is important to evaluate the possible changes that this fact may bring in the future as well as adapt with the greatest agility to them, one of them can undoubtedly be the requirement of the international phytosanitary standard ISPM15.

All our products are certified.

In conclusion, when Britain decides to leave the European Union, the guidelines for transport packaging will be different from those currently in place.

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